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4 Tips to Mow Like a Pro

Now that the spring season is here, you’re probably gearing up to get your mower ready for the warmer weather. At Pure Green, we know lawns inside and out, and while we don’t do mowing, we do have a few tips to help you mow like a pro this spring and summer.

Time for a Tune-Up

The start of a mowing season is a great time to tune up your mower. Start by changing the oil and the spark plug. Clean the top and undercarriage of your mower, removing any excess dirt and grass clippings. Leaving debris in your mower can disrupt the airflow and lead to corrosion of your mower. While other issues can always pop up, this should put you in pretty good shape for the coming months.

Just remember: If you’re doing any work on or near the blades, be sure to detach the spark plug before you start.

Mower Blade Basics

Carefully examine the blade of your mower for any damage—whether they’re crooked or just dull. You can take the blade off, but make sure you follow your owner’s manual to learn proper blade removal and re-installation.

After checking for any damage, it’s time to sharpen the blade with a file. You can also take your blade to a local repair shop for sharpening or repair if you don’t have the time (or energy) to do it yourself.

Check the Oil Regularly

It’s a good habit to check the oil before you start your lawn mower, keeping in mind what your recent mowing conditions have been. Wet grass, hot temperatures, and rough or rocky terrain may require the oil to be changed more frequently.

Expert tip: A good rule of thumb is to change your oil about once every season or about every 25-30 hours of operation.

When It’s Time to Mow

If you’ve read this far, you probably care about how your lawn looks. So here’s a common mistake we see: Make sure you’re not cutting your grass too short! A good height of about 3 inches usually looks the best. And not only does it look better, but it also encourages a deeper root system, which helps prevent weeds from invading.

Here are a couple other things to keep in mind when you’re firing up the mower:

  • For the best cut, mow sometime in the morning—when it’s cool, but the morning dew has had some time to dry off.
  • Take your time. Don’t speed through mowing your yard because you’re surely to miss some spots. Throttle down to lower speeds when you’re turning corners and trimming the borders for a closer, nicer looking cut.
  • Adhere to the one-third rule: For a healthy lawn, never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at one time.

Now that you’re a mowing pro, sit back and enjoy your beautiful lawn! And if you see that it’s not as thick and beautiful as you had hoped, give us a call. We’d be glad to give you a quick estimate on our lawn care program!