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Why Winterizing is Important

Winterizing your lawn each year ensures healthy, lush growth in the spring. The whole process begins with aerating in early to mid-fall, and continues in steps until the beginning of winter.

At this point in the year, you should have already aerated, over seeded, and removed weeds from your lawn, but there are still maintenance items left to do.


A special fertilizer is used to winterize lawns. This fertilizer is higher in potassium and helps grass retain food and moisture throughout the winter months. This is essential because even though blade growth stops, roots below the surface remain active. When warm weather comes, winterizer ensures that the roots will have a supply of nutrients to turn to.

Insulate plant beds

Extra mulch will protect your plant beds and hold in warmth. Insulation is important to plant and vegetable beds throughout bitterly cold months.

Remove the Leaves

Leaves are steadily falling off of trees at this point, but you don’t want to leave them on your lawn. You’ll want to use a leaf blower instead of a rake so that you don’t damage the seed that you’ve spread already. Removing leaves will prevent moisture from being trapped on your lawn causing damage.

Irrigation Maintenance

Once you’ve watered for the last time, be sure to empty the irrigation system. This is essential in preventing damage to your pipes during the winter. Save yourself the hassle of installing a new irrigation system in the spring.

Although the weather is colder, it’s important not to neglect your lawn. Be sure to winterize properly and you’re sure to see Great Green Grass in the spring!