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Lawn Diseases in Nashville

As temperatures slowly start to rise here in Nashville, we’re getting closer to seeing green grass, blooming flowers and trees, and other signs of spring. But as everything starts to turn green, you may find there are parts of your lawn that aren’t as healthy as they should be.

When it comes to caring for your lawn, there’s no time like the present. Our lawn care program can treat virtually any lawn disease or lawn fungus that you’re facing, backed by our G3 Guarantee. Here are some of the common lawn diseases we see each year.

Lawn Fungus and Disease

Powdery Mildew

This is a lawn fungus that is common to many different plants, and is especially prevalent with cold-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass. You can identify it by the dusty white powder on the blades of grass.

Brown Patch

Another lawn disease with a visually descriptive name, brown patch looks like—you guessed it—a brown patch in your lawn. They’re usually circular and can be anywhere from several inches to several feet in diameter. This fungus grows more commonly in warm, humid seasons and can affect a wide variety of grasses.

Red Thread

If you’re noticing a theme here, you’re onto something. This is another lawn fungus with a very descriptive name. It can be either red or pink and looks like webbing or thread on your lawn. With red thread, the usual culprit is low nitrogen levels in the soil.

Fairy Ring

This is another lawn fungus, characterized by a ring or crescent shape in your yard, anywhere from a few feet to 40 or 50 feet across. You can recognize a fairy ring by the mushrooms that grow on the outer edge of the ring. In some cases, there will also be a dark green tint to the grass around that edge as well. Fairy rings are often left alone as they don’t cause widespread damage and are difficult to eradicate.

If your lawn needs some TLC, you can trust the experts at Pure Green to provide the results you want with the most natural approach possible. Request an estimate below or give us a call at 615-455-3578 today!