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Mosquito Pest Control for Outdoor Events

Here in Nashville, we’re lucky to have warm weather throughout most of the year, especially in the summer months. But whether you’re hosting a backyard barbeque with friends, a neighborhood block party, or a birthday celebration, you’re likely to attract more than a few unwanted guests…mosquitos.

Luckily there are solutions out there to prevent them from ruining your summer fun! Here are a few simple ways to prep your outdoor spaces to fight off the pesky bugs.

Insect Repellent 

The most obvious way to avoid getting bitten at an outdoor shindig is by spraying insect repellent. It’s arguably one of the easier ways to prevent mosquitos from bugging you, and it doesn’t take long to apply.

However, there are a couple downsides to using bug spray:

  • The odor is pungent and can linger on your skin and clothes for a few days.
  • They typically contain harmful chemicals like DEET.

Citronella Candles

If you’ve been to an outdoor event in the evening, you’ve most likely seen these candles around. They contain citronella oil and lemongrass, two ingredients known to keep mosquitos at bay.

As opposed to repellent, the candles don’t contain harmful chemicals, are easy to set up, and help repel bugs in larger areas. The main downside to citronella candles is they’re not long-lasting, meaning you can only get a few uses out of them before you need to invest in more.

Pure Green’s All-Natural Pest Treatment

It’s the simplest long-term solution you’ve been looking for this year! Pure Green is one of the few companies in Nashville that offers a 100% organic pest treatment. Our treatment helps keep away mosquitos, fleas, and ticks which minimizes the number of bites you might get over the summer.

Our crews apply the treatment to your turf and landscape, with a follow-up visit every 28 to 30 days to reapply it. We recommend six total applications throughout the summer to give you peace of mind when heading outside this year to celebrate any events. The treatment is also pet-friendly, making your lawn a safer place for you, your loved ones, and your furry friends.

Ready to start enjoying your lawn again? Request an instant quote from Pure Green today!