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3 Simple Tips to Keep Your Soil Healthy

Did you know that your soil health is important for keeping that Great Green Grass we all love? Well now you do. Here are a few tips to keep your soil healthy year-round.

Get Your Soil Tested

Step one: Get a soil test. You can find one at most neighborhood lawn or hardware stores. This test helps determine if your soil is acidic, alkaline, or neutral, which will give you an idea of what nutrients your lawn is lacking when you’re picking out a fertilizer.

If you want to have the best-looking lawn year-round, you need to understand the current state of your soil. Think about it this way: If you’re applying fertilizer to your lawn without knowing the pH of your soil, you may be wasting your money. When your soil is too acidic (or too alkaline), the grass can’t adequately access the nutrients it needs.

Get the Right Fertilizer

Now that you’ve tested your soil, you can use the results to find a fertilizer that will work great for your lawn. Fertilizer can restore the proper balance to your soil’s chemistry, providing the right set of nutrients for your grass to flourish. At Pure Green, we use a natural, organic lawn care products (including fertilizer) on our customers’ lawns to ensure a safe space for family, friends, and pets.

Expert tip: Before you begin to fertilize, check the weather. If you can fertilize the day before a light rain, you can save water and feed your grass at the same time!

Water Your Lawn Consistently

A good rule of thumb is to water your lawn deeply 2 times a week (either you or the rain!). You don’t want to overwater your lawn because this could create damage over time.

Consistent watering encourages your lawn to establish a deep root system, which helps grass better withstand drought and the high temperatures we get here in Nashville.

You aren’t going to achieve Great Green Grass immediately after these steps. It takes time to have a lawn worth bragging about. If you’re ready to see a change in your lawn, we’d love to hear from you!