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Why Picking Up Your Leaves is Important

Why is it necessary to pick up your leaves each fall?

After all, the colors are beautiful, and your kids think they’re fun to play in. And not to mention the physical labor it takes to remove them every year when you could be sitting inside and watching a Titans game instead.

Trust us. We know that this lawn care task is not ideal. However, leaving them across your lawn can provide significant setbacks when establishing a healthy lawn for the spring.

Benefits of Leaf Removal

Prevents Damage

Heavy layers of leaves prevent oxygen, sunlight, and nutrients from reaching grass roots. Furthermore, they trap moisture underneath, which becomes an invitation for mold and other lawn diseases. If you decide to wait until spring to rake up or blow away the leaves, be prepared to deal with the resulting lawn issues that may occur.

Fresh Air and Exercise

We can’t leave this one out! Just like the roots beneath the grass that will be getting oxygen, performing a lawn care task in the fall allows some fresh, crisp air to enter your system. And while the idea of manual labor may be daunting, it’s always good to get your blood pumping.

How to Remove Your Leaves

Break Out the Blower

Steer clear of the rakes this year! Rakes can do more damage than good, disturbing any new seedlings you’ve placed. Instead, we strongly suggest using a blower to remove the leaves. A blower will remove the leaves without disturbing the soil.

Mow Away

Another way to make things easier is putting the lawn mower to use. Passing over leaves with the mower a few times shreds them into smaller pieces of mulch which can return nitrogen to the soil as the leaves decompose.

Turn to Lawn Care Experts

There is no one-size-fits-all lawn care method. Creating a consistent lawn-care routine during the fall—which includes leaf removal—will ensure that your landscaping survives whatever winter weather comes our way and blooms healthy when spring returns.

It is essential to know your lawn, your area’s climate, and yourself. Feeling overwhelmed by the TLC your lawn needs? Give Pure Green a call. We would be more than happy to take over.